First is an early simulation of a CH-47B Chinook helicopter with three externally slung box-type loads. The simulation was performed in Matlab and exported to VRML for visualisation. The controls were held fixed and stability augmentation for the helicopter switched off.
You will need a VRML Plugin, like Cortona 3D Viewer to view the model. Click on the helicopter or load to start the replay. Page Up / Page Down keys within the viewer will change the viewpoint or use the mouse to navigate.
Next is an interesting simulation of a CH-47B Chinook helicopter with a RHIB load slung in two different configurations - stern forward and bow forward - undergoing a simple step yawing manoeuvre. The simulation was performed in Matlab and exported to VRML for visualisation.
Stern forward:
Bow forward:
This is another early simulation of a UH-1H Iroquois helicopter with a single externally slung box-type load undergoing a rather aggressive (and somewhat unrealistic) manoeuvre. The simulation was performed in Matlab and exported to VRML for visualisation. The controls were held fixed and there was no stability augmentation for the helicopter switched.