Mass-Spring-Damper Simulation & Estimation

Mass-Spring-Damper simulation using a model based on Python, Boost or Cython. Coefficient estimation is performed using a number of techniques including linear regression, gradient-based optimisation and sampling.

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Mapping Shark Attacks

It's been a long time since the last post! Lately I've been playing around with mapping frameworks and services. Click through for a brief introduction on using Mapbox to create beatutiful layered maps.

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wxPython & Multiprocessing

Now that the multiprocessing library comes standard in Python 2.6, I thought I'd migrate some of my apps to take full advantage. However, there aren't many examples out there showing how to write a basic multiprocessing program with a graphical front-end. In order to prototype the program design, I wrote a simple wxPython script.

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Just tidied up my VRMLtrace python program. This script converts any simulation/pose data (position+orientation) into a VRML model for visualisation. It uses a template file, a VRML model of the vehicle and a data file to generate the VRML.

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