This is one of the first python scripts I wrote. Primarily used for flight dynamics visualisation, it reads simulation data from a text file, or Matlab file and with the help of a template, exports it to a VRML model.

The Matlab program I used to generate the helicopter slung-load models, like this one was more sophisticated, but this code is adequate for visualising the behaviour of any dynamic non-coupled body through space.

[S70-A9 Visualisation with VRMLtrace]

The template file is available here and the S70-A9 model here. Of course, you'll have to supply your own data file :P The text format is very basic, comprising six columns of [x, y, z, phi, theta, psi] values. You can read more about the general procedure in one of my papers.


Convert Simulation Data to a VRML Model

**Command Line Usage** [options] input_file template_file output_file


    -h, --help      Print this help and exit.
    -v              Verbose output.

This script converts any simulation/pose data (position+orientation) into a VRML
model for visualisation. It uses a template file, a VRML model of the vehicle
and a data file to generate the VRML.

    The input_file can be in either of three formats:

 1. Matlab .MAT binary data file containing Config and Data structs.

 2. Raw column-data format (>=7 cols):
        t0  x0  y0  z0  phi0  theta0  psi0 ...
        t1  x1  y1  z1  phi1  theta1  psi1 ...

 3. Flightlab Scope format, with variables TIME and Y (>=6 vars):
        TIME 1000 1 0
          t0 t1 t2
        Y 1000 6 0
          x0 x1 x2
          y0 y1 y2

where positions are in ft, angles are in radians.

Copyright (c) 2010, Roger Stuckey. All rights reserved.

import getopt, math, re, sys, time

except StandardError:
   SciPiExists = False
   SciPiExists = True

class VRML:
   The VRML class can be employed to ingest simulation output data and using a
   template file, export it to a VRML model.
   def read(self, infile):
      Open and read simulation output data from file.
      if re.match("\.mat$", infile):
         if (SciPiExists):
            # Read the MAT file data directly
            mat_struct =
            self.N = X['Config'][0][0].simdata[0][0].numsteps[0][0]
            self.t = [ mat_struct['Data'][0][0].time[ii][0]for ii in range(self.N) ]
            self.X = [[ mat_struct['Data'][0][0].state[ii][jj] for jj in range(6) ] for ii in range(self.N) ]
            print "\nError: SciPy Package required to read Matlab (.mat) data files!",

         # Read the input data file
         fin = open(infile,'r')
         # Determine file data format
         dataformat = 0
         for line in fin.xreadlines():
            line = line.strip()
            if (not line): break
            if (line[0] == "#"): continue
            if (re.match("[a-zA-Z]", line)):
               dataformat = 1

         # Return to the start

         if (dataformat == 0):
            # File is just columns of data (unknown length)
            while 1:
               line = fin.readline()
               line = line.strip()
               if ( (not line) or (line[0] == "#") ): continue
               if (re.match("[\-\+0-9]", line)):
                  Numstr = line.split()
                  # Determine number of variables
                  numvars = len(Numstr)
                  if (numvars < 7):
                     print "\nError: Insufficient number of data columns (%d < 7)" % numvars,
                  elif (numvars > 7):
                     print "\nWarning: Superfulous data columns (%d > 7)" % numvars,

            # Read the actual data
            Y = self.readdata(fin, numvars)
            self.N = len(Y)

            self.t = [ Y[ii][0] for ii in range(self.N) ]
            self.X = [[ Y[ii][jj+1] for jj in range(6) ] for ii in range(self.N) ]

            # File is tagged (includes data descriptors)
            while 1:
               line = fin.readline()
               line = line.strip()
               if (not line): break
               if (line[0] == "#"): continue
               if (re.match("TIME", line)):
                  # Read the time
                  Varstr = line.split()
                  self.N = int(Varstr[1])
                  numvars = int(Varstr[2]) # should be 1
                  Y = self.readdata(fin,self.N)
                  # Remove the first (empty) dimension
                  self.t = [ Y[0][jj] for jj in range(self.N) ]

               elif (re.match("Y", line)):
                  # Read the position & orientation data
                  Varstr = line.split()
                  numvars = int(Varstr[2]) # should be 6!
                  if (numvars < 6):
                     print "\nError: Insufficient number of data columns (%d < 6)" % numvars,
                  elif (numvars > 6):
                     print "\nWarning: Superfulous data columns (%d > 6)" % numvars,

                  Y = self.readdata(fin, self.N)
                  # Transpose the matrix
                  self.X = [[ Y[ii][jj] for ii in range(6) ] for jj in range(self.N) ]


      self.range = [1, self.N]
      self.N = self.range[1] - self.range[0] + 1

      # Pre-size the state variable array
      self.minr = [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ]
      self.maxr = [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ]
      self.numr = [ 0, 0, 0 ]

      for i in range(self.N):
         # Determine flight range
         for j in range(3):
            if (self.X[i][j] < self.minr[j]): self.minr[j] = self.X[i][j]
            if (self.X[i][j] > self.maxr[j]): self.maxr[j] = self.X[i][j]

      # Nondimensionalise range & calculate grid steps
      for j in range(3):
         self.minr[j] = math.floor(self.minr[j]/self.dx - 1.0)
         if (j < 2):
            self.maxr[j] = math.ceil(self.maxr[j]/self.dx + 1.0)
            self.maxr[j] = 0.0
         self.numr[j] = int(self.maxr[j] - self.minr[j] + 1.0)

      # Calculate time delta and range
      self.dt = self.t[1] - self.t[0]
      self.dT = self.t[-1] - self.t[0]

   def readdata(self, fin, numcols):
      Read data from an opened file.
      # Initialise some variables
      Y = [ ]
      k = 0
      lastrow = -1
      lastpos = 0

      while 1:
         line = fin.readline()
         line = line.strip()
         if (not line): break
         if (line[0] == "#"): continue
         # Check for numeric data
         if (not re.match("[\-\+0-9]", line)):
         Numstr = line.split()
         # Read the data
         for numstr in Numstr:
            i = k / numcols
            j = k % numcols
            # Check if new row
            if (i > lastrow):
               Y.append([ 0.0 for jj in range(numcols) ])
               lastrow = i
            # Assign the data
            Y[i][j] = float(numstr)
            k += 1

         lastpos = fin.tell()

      return Y

   def keyframes(self):
      Generate the dictionary of keyframes.
      # Define the template variables
      self.d = { 'WRL_FILE': "",
                 'VT_DATE': "",
                 'PY_VERSION': "",
                 'CTIME_END': "",
                 'DTIME_END': "",
                 'NUM_FRAMES': "",
                 'KEY': "",
                 'HELI_ROT_0': "",
                 'HELI_TRANS_0': "",
                 'HELI_ROT': "",
                 'HELI_TRANS': "",
                 'FWDROT_ROT': "",
                 'AFTROT_ROT': "",
                 'GRND_IFS_COORD_PTS': "",
                 'GRND_IFS_COORD_IDX': "",
                 'FLGRID_ILS_COORD_PTS': "",
                 'FLGRID_ILS_COORD_IDX': "",
                 'LWGRID_ILS_COORD_PTS': "",
                 'LWGRID_ILS_COORD_IDX': "",
                 'BWGRID_ILS_COORD_PTS': "",
                 'BWGRID_ILS_COORD_IDX': "",
                 'CLGRID_TRANS': "",
                 'RWGRID_TRANS': "",
                 'FWGRID_TRANS': "",
                 'VIEWSIM_USER_TRANS_0': "",
                 'VIEWSIM_USER_ROT_1': "",
                 'VIEWSIM_USER_TRANS_1': "",
                 'VIEWSIM_SIDE_TRANS_0': "",
                 'VIEWSIM_SIDE_ROT_1': "",
                 'VIEWSIM_SIDE_TRANS_1': "",
                 'VIEWSIM_FRONT_TRANS_0': "",
                 'VIEWSIM_FRONT_ROT_1': "",
                 'VIEWSIM_FRONT_TRANS_1': "",
                 'VIEWSIM_TOP_TRANS_0': "",
                 'VIEWSIM_TOP_ROT_1': "",
                 'VIEWSIM_TOP_TRANS_1': "",
                 'VIEWSIM_BEHIND_TRANS_0': "",
                 'VIEWSIM_BEHIND_ROT_1': "",
                 'VIEWSIM_BEHIND_TRANS_1': "",
                 'VIEWSIM_BEHIND_ORIENT_0': "" }

      # Fill the variables
      self.d['VT_DATE'] = time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S",time.gmtime())
      self.d['PY_VERSION'] = (sys.version).replace("\n"," ")

      self.d['CTIME_END'] = "%8.4f" % self.dT
      self.d['DTIME_END'] = "%8.4f" % (self.N*1.5)
      self.d['NUM_FRAMES'] = "%6.1f" % self.N

      x = self.X[0]
      q = self.e2q(x[3:6])
      v = self.q2v(q)
      r = x[0:3]

      # Generate the key array
      key = [ k/(self.N - 1.0) for k in range(self.N) ]
      self.d['KEY'] = " %8.4f"*self.N % tuple(key)
      # Initial helicopter rotation & translation
      self.d['HELI_ROT_0'] = "%8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f" % tuple(self.a2v(v))
      self.d['HELI_TRANS_0'] = "%8.4f %8.4f %8.4f" % tuple(self.a2v(r))

      af = 0.0
      ar = 0.0
      # Loop through each frame
      for i in range(self.N):
         x = self.X[i]
         q = self.e2q(x[3:6])
         v = self.q2v(q)
         r = x[0:3]
         # Intermediate helicopter rotation & translation
         self.d['HELI_ROT'] += "%8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f,\n" % tuple(self.a2v(v))
         self.d['HELI_TRANS'] += "%8.4f %8.4f %8.4f,\n" % tuple(self.a2v(r))
         # Intermediate forward & aft rotor rotations
         self.d['FWDROT_ROT'] += "%8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f,\n" % (0.0,1.0,0.0,af)
         self.d['AFTROT_ROT'] += "%8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f,\n" % (0.0,0.0,1.0,-ar)
         if (tplfile.find(".tpl")):
            af += 12.0/25.0*1.0/6.0*math.pi
            ar += 12.0/25.0*1.0/6.0*math.pi
            af += 1.0/6.0*math.pi
            ar += 1.0/6.0*math.pi

         if (af > 2.0*math.pi): af -= 2.0*math.pi
         if (ar > 2.0*math.pi): ar -= 2.0*math.pi

      # The floor texture map
      for i in [0,self.numr[0] - 1]:
         for j in [0,self.numr[1] - 1]:
            mg = [ (self.minr[0]+i)*self.dx, (self.minr[1]+j)*self.dx, self.maxr[2]*self.dx ]
            self.d['GRND_IFS_COORD_PTS'] += "%10.4f %10.4f %10.4f,\n" % tuple(self.a2v(mg))

      img = [ 0, 1, 3, 2, -1 ]
      self.d['GRND_IFS_COORD_IDX'] += "%3.0f %3.0f %3.0f %3.0f %3.0f,\n" % tuple(img)

      # The floor grid
      for i in range(self.numr[0]):
         for j in [0,self.numr[1]-1]:
            mg = [ (self.minr[0]+i)*self.dx, (self.minr[1]+j)*self.dx, self.minr[2]*self.dx ]
            self.d['FLGRID_ILS_COORD_PTS'] += "%10.4f %10.4f %10.4f,\n" % tuple(self.a2v(mg))
      for j in range(self.numr[1]):
         for i in [0,self.numr[0]-1]:
            mg = [ (self.minr[0]+i)*self.dx, (self.minr[1]+j)*self.dx, self.minr[2]*self.dx ]
            self.d['FLGRID_ILS_COORD_PTS'] += "%10.4f %10.4f %10.4f,\n" % tuple(self.a2v(mg))
      for i in range(self.numr[0]):
         img = [ i*2, i*2 + 1, -1 ]
         self.d['FLGRID_ILS_COORD_IDX'] += "%3.0f %3.0f %3.0f,\n" % tuple(img)
      for j in range(self.numr[0],self.numr[0] + self.numr[1]):
         img = [ j*2, j*2 + 1, -1 ]
         self.d['FLGRID_ILS_COORD_IDX'] += "%3.0f %3.0f %3.0f,\n" % tuple(img)

      # The left wall grid
      for i in range(self.numr[0]):
         for k in [0,self.numr[2]-1]:
            mg = [ (self.minr[0]+i)*self.dx, self.minr[1]*self.dx, (self.minr[2]+k)*self.dx ]
            self.d['LWGRID_ILS_COORD_PTS'] += "%10.4f %10.4f %10.4f,\n" % tuple(self.a2v(mg))
      for k in range(self.numr[2]):
         for i in [0,self.numr[0]-1]:
            mg = [ (self.minr[0]+i)*self.dx, self.minr[1]*self.dx, (self.minr[2]+k)*self.dx ]
            self.d['LWGRID_ILS_COORD_PTS'] += "%10.4f %10.4f %10.4f,\n" % tuple(self.a2v(mg))
      for i in range(self.numr[0]):
         img = [ i*2, i*2 + 1, -1 ]
         self.d['LWGRID_ILS_COORD_IDX'] += "%3.0f %3.0f %3.0f,\n" % tuple(img)
      for k in range(self.numr[0],self.numr[0] + self.numr[2]):
         img = [ k*2, k*2 + 1, -1 ]
         self.d['LWGRID_ILS_COORD_IDX'] += "%3.0f %3.0f %3.0f,\n" % tuple(img)

      # The back wall grid
      for j in range(self.numr[1]):
         for k in [0,self.numr[2]-1]:
            mg = [ self.minr[0]*self.dx, (self.minr[1]+j)*self.dx, (self.minr[2]+k)*self.dx ]
            self.d['BWGRID_ILS_COORD_PTS'] += "%10.4f %10.4f %10.4f,\n" % tuple(self.a2v(mg))
      for k in range(self.numr[2]):
         for j in [0,self.numr[1]-1]:
            mg = [ self.minr[0]*self.dx, (self.minr[1]+j)*self.dx, (self.minr[2]+k)*self.dx ]
            self.d['BWGRID_ILS_COORD_PTS'] += "%10.4f %10.4f %10.4f,\n" % tuple(self.a2v(mg))
      for j in range(self.numr[1]):
         img = [ j*2, j*2 + 1, -1 ]
         self.d['BWGRID_ILS_COORD_IDX'] += "%3.0f %3.0f %3.0f,\n" % tuple(img)
      for k in range(self.numr[1],self.numr[1] + self.numr[2]):
         img = [ k*2, k*2 + 1, -1 ]
         self.d['BWGRID_ILS_COORD_IDX'] += "%3.0f %3.0f %3.0f,\n" % tuple(img)

      # The ceiling
      self.d['CLGRID_TRANS'] = "%8.4f %8.4f %8.4f" % tuple(self.a2v([0.0, 0.0, (self.maxr[2] - self.minr[2])*self.dx]))

      # The right wall
      self.d['RWGRID_TRANS'] = "%8.4f %8.4f %8.4f" % tuple(self.a2v([0.0, (self.maxr[1] - self.minr[1])*self.dx, 0.0]))

      # The front wall
      self.d['FWGRID_TRANS'] = "%8.4f %8.4f %8.4f" % tuple(self.a2v([(self.maxr[0] - self.minr[0])*self.dx, 0.0, 0.0]))

      # Calculate the viewpoints
      x = self.X[0]
      q = self.e2q(x[3:6])
      v = self.q2v(q)
      r = x[0:3]
      # User viewpoint
      self.d['VIEWSIM_USER_TRANS_0'] = "%8.4f %8.4f %8.4f" % tuple(self.a2v(r))
      self.d['VIEWSIM_USER_ROT_1'] = "%8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f" % tuple(self.a2v(self.av))
      self.d['VIEWSIM_USER_TRANS_1'] = "%8.4f %8.4f %8.4f" % tuple(self.a2v(self.rv))
      # Side viewpoint
      dv = self.mag(self.rv)
      self.d['VIEWSIM_SIDE_TRANS_0'] = "%8.4f %8.4f %8.4f" % tuple(self.a2v(r))
      self.d['VIEWSIM_SIDE_ROT_1'] = "%8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f" % tuple(self.a2v([ 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 ]))
      self.d['VIEWSIM_SIDE_TRANS_1'] = "%8.4f %8.4f %8.4f" % tuple(self.a2v([ 0.0, dv, 0.0 ]))
      # Front viewpoint
      self.d['VIEWSIM_FRONT_TRANS_0'] = "%8.4f %8.4f %8.4f" % tuple(self.a2v(r))
      self.d['VIEWSIM_FRONT_ROT_1'] = "%8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f" % tuple(self.a2v([ 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, -math.pi/2.0 ]))
      self.d['VIEWSIM_FRONT_TRANS_1'] = "%8.4f %8.4f %8.4f" % tuple(self.a2v([ dv, 0.0, 0.0 ]))
      # Top viewpoint
      self.d['VIEWSIM_TOP_TRANS_0'] = "%8.4f %8.4f %8.4f" % tuple(self.a2v(r))
      self.d['VIEWSIM_TOP_ROT_1'] = "%8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f" % tuple(self.a2v([ 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, -math.pi/2.0 ]))
      self.d['VIEWSIM_TOP_TRANS_1'] = "%8.4f %8.4f %8.4f" % tuple(self.a2v([ 0.0, 0.0, -dv ]))
      # Behind viewpoint
      self.d['VIEWSIM_BEHIND_TRANS_0'] = "%8.4f %8.4f %8.4f" % tuple(self.a2v(r))
      self.d['VIEWSIM_BEHIND_ROT_1'] = "%8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f" % tuple(self.a2v([ 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, -math.pi/4.0 ]))
      self.d['VIEWSIM_BEHIND_TRANS_1'] = "%8.4f %8.4f %8.4f" % tuple(self.a2v([ -dv/math.sqrt(2.0), 0.0, -dv/math.sqrt(2.0) ]))
      self.d['VIEWSIM_BEHIND_ORIENT_0'] = "%8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f" % tuple(self.a2v([ 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, math.pi/2.0 ]))

   def write(self,outfile):
      Write the converted data to a VRML model.
      self.d['WRL_FILE'] = outfile
      ftpl = open(tplfile,'r')
      fout = open(outfile,'w')
      for line in ftpl.xreadlines():
         # Search for template variables
         tagbeg = line.find("$")
         tagend = line.find("$",tagbeg + 1)
         while (tagbeg > -1):
            # Extract the variable & validate
            dkey = line[(tagbeg + 1):tagend]
            if self.d.has_key(dkey):
               line = line.replace("$" + dkey + "$",self.d[dkey])
            # Replace with the corresponding dictionary value
            tagbeg = line.find("$")
            tagend = line.find("$",tagbeg + 1)

   def e2q(self,e):
      Convert a list (vector) of Euler angles to quaternions.
      se = [ math.sin(e[i]/2) for i in range(3) ]
      ce = [ math.cos(e[i]/2) for i in range(3) ]
      q = [ se[0]*se[1]*se[2] + ce[0]*ce[1]*ce[2], \
           -ce[0]*se[1]*se[2] + se[0]*ce[1]*ce[2], \
            se[0]*ce[1]*se[2] + ce[0]*se[1]*ce[2], \
            ce[0]*ce[1]*se[2] - se[0]*se[1]*ce[2] ]
      return q

   def q2v(self,q):
      Convert a list (vector) of quaternions to rotation parameters.
      z = 2*math.acos(q[0])
      sz = math.sin(z/2)
      if (sz == 0.0): sz = 1.0
      v = [ q[1]/sz, q[2]/sz, q[3]/sz, z ]
      return v

   def v2v(self,v1,v2):
      Calculate normal & rotation angle from two intersecting vectors.
      if (v1 == v2): return [ v1[0], v1[1], v1[2], 0.0 ]
      v1cv2 = [ v1[1]*v2[2] - v1[2]*v2[1], \
                v1[2]*v2[0] - v1[0]*v2[2], \
                v1[0]*v2[1] - v1[1]*v2[0] ]
      v1dv2 = v1[0]*v2[0] + v1[1]*v2[1] + v1[2]*v2[2]
      v1cv2m = self.mag(v1cv2)
      if (v1cv2m == 0.0): v1cv2m = 1.0
      v1mv2m = self.mag(v1)*self.mag(v2)
      if (v1mv2m == 0.0): v1mv2m = 1.0
      a = [ v1cv2[0]/v1cv2m, v1cv2[1]/v1cv2m, v1cv2[2]/v1cv2m, math.acos(v1dv2/v1mv2m) ]
      return a

   def mag(self,v):
      Vector magnitude.
      return math.sqrt(v[0]**2 + v[1]**2 + v[2]**2)

   def a2v(self,a):
      Convert aircraft axis space to VRML axis space.
      v = [ a[0], -a[2], a[1] ]
      if (len(a) > 3): v += [a[3]]
      return v

if __name__ == "__main__":

      opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hv", ["help"])
   except getopt.GetoptError:
      # Print help information and exit:
   verbose = 0
   for o, a in opts:
      if o == "-v":
         verbose = 1
      if o in ("-h", "--help"):

   infile = args[0]

   if (len(args) < 3):
      p = re.compile('\.\w+$')
      outfile = p.sub('.wrl', infile)
      outfile = args[2]
   if (len(args) < 2):
      tplfile = 'vrmltrace.wrt'
      tplfile = args[1]

   v = VRML()
   # The grid spacing
   v.dx = 100.0
   # User viewpoint offset
   v.rv = [ 75.0, 75.0, 0.0 ]
   # User viewpoint rotation vector
   v.av = v.v2v([ 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 ], v.rv)

   # Read the input data, compute the variables & write the output
   if (verbose): sys.stdout.write("Reading data")
   if (verbose): sys.stdout.write("\nGenerating keyframes")
   if (verbose): sys.stdout.write("\nWriting output [%s]" % outfile)
   if (verbose): sys.stdout.write("\n")